Between 5-10pm
culture night 2014
Children make a gallery and engines make music
Shauna McGowan, Maya, Lily, Arthur, Enda O'Reilly, Celia, Diarmuid, Trisha McNally, Hazel
Ends 19 September 2014
Once a year is culture night.
And although we work most days of the year with and for culture, this one night is special. It is like a big crowded market and the goods on offer are culture. Or better cultures: street theatre and photography, graffiti and music, parades and craft. Colourful and fresh, noisy and mesmerising, beautiful and funny. And everything is free. The small streets in the Cathedral Quarter are packed like Primark on a Saturday, but nobody buys anything. For one night the city is uncommercial. You load your bags with ideas, spectacular things, unseen experiences, like free samples of art, music, entertainment.
Well, you can do all that in PS².
For culture night we have one project inside, the 'Mouseum' and one project parked outside, an 'engine beat generator'.
Enda O'Reilly: engine beat generator
Street view
Mouseum has nothing to do with mouse, but with museum. Or gallery. And the children Hazel, Arthur, Diarmuid, Celia, Maya, and Lily. The children are making their own museum, or mouseum. Helped by two artists, Shauna McGowan and Trisha McNally, they show us their ideas how galleries should look like. Lot's of white walls I guess and funny objects one can't touch? You bet.
- For the opening of their own gallery at 6pm, the Junior Art Detectives and mouseum makers, have established the following guidelines. They have done so out of experience (they all went to several openings) and in order to assure that your visit is as pleasant as possible:
- No black clothing - those wearing black clothing have to view the exhibition from the gallery window and will not be allowed entry.
- Priority entrance for those with colourful shoes.
- No black shoes allowed - these must be removed to obtain entry to the gallery (to compensate for this there will be spot prizes for the best socks throughout the opening).
- Strictly no smelly feet.
- Famous people are most welcome but they will be expected to bring crisps with them (as a donation for all the children that suffer in the Arts).
- Referee cards apply on the night for rule breakers. Those who disobey internal gallery rules will be removed from the Mini Museum.
- No alcohol.
- Vegetable snacks will be provided for adults and multiple crisp selections will be available for children.
- The children would like to collect donations on the night for their chosen charity
- Sporadic ‘Guess the Flavour of the crisp’ games will take place during launch time, along with sticker awards for happy and engaging audience members.
Signed: The Junior Art Detectives
Enda J O'Reilly's 'engine beat generator' is a car engine, full of microphones but no petrol. Nothing moves unless one turns the engine with a handle. Still nothing moves, but hello, it sounds. Engine music and muscle power. All we can say: testdrive your own composition.