Thursday, 26 May, 6-9pm
Opening hours
Wed-Frid, 1-5pm, Sat 11am-4pm
DAS Residents at PS²
Miguel Martin, Josephine McCormick, Samantha McGahon and Eoin McGinn
Ends 04 June 2016
DAS (Digital Art Studios, Belfast) is proud to present new works from current artists-in-residence Miguel Martin, Josephine McCormick, Samantha McGahon and Eoin McGinn.
The Digital Arts Studios Residency scheme supports artists working with new media technology.
There will be a number of free workshops to accompany the show, hosted by exhibiting artists.
To book a place on the free workshops please email: catherine[at]
Workshops/Talks Saturday, 28 May, 11am - 1pm @ PS².
Visual Sound Workshop I
Join sound artist and printmaker, Josephine McCormick, who will demonstrate how to change images into sound. Bring along an image as a jpeg on a pen drive to experience the sound it creates. You will also be introduced to software that enables you to draw in sound and record the result. You will be able to take away your sound made from your image.
Thursday, 02 June, 5 - 6pm @ PS²
Talk by Samantha McGahon
Samantha works in photography, installations and moving image, documenting the unseen in the everyday to create photo essays that inform her practice. Samantha will discuss her practice in general and more specifically her current project exhibited at PS².
Saturday, 04 June, 11.30am - 1.30pm @ PS²
Visual Sound Workshop II
Join sound artist and printmaker, Josephine McCormick to make patterns that are generated using different sound frequencies called ‘cymatic’ patterns. You will be using a frequency signal generator to produce the designs and can take away the ‘cymatic’ pattern made during the workshop.
Saturday, 04 June, 2 - 4pm, departing from PS². Street Art Workshop
Artist Eoin McGinn will take participants on a brief tour of Belfast Street Art, explaining the processes and the meanings behind the Artworks.
In keeping with the theme of dereliction from his exhibition piece, participants will have the opportunity to create artworks on found materials using spray paint, which they can take home.

Miguel Martin: installatin view
Miguel Martin
PASSAGE is a projected video and audio installation concerned with transience and capturing the abject materiality of objects. While referencing the tonal qualities, composition and subject matter of Martin's traditional still life drawing practice, it also seeks to evoke a dialogue with the tradition of memento mori and the uncanny.
PASSAGE is Martin's first multi-media video installation, made possible at Digital Arts Studios, Belfast, through funding from The Arts Council of Northern Ireland's Artist's Career Enhancement Scheme.

Samantha McGahon
Josephine McCormick
Surface to Air/Air to Surface investigates the creative potential between sound technologies, imagery and printmaking processes towards producing a hybrid body of work. She has rendered images as sound and drawn sound. She has captured voice to produce spectrograms, which have then been used as a visual resource in the making of a series of print work.
Josephine McCormick will give a workshop on Saturday, 28 May, 12 - 2pm and on Saturday, 04 June, 11.30am - 1.30pm.

Samantha McGahon
Samantha McGahon
The Mundane Rollercoaster is an iteration of route capturing taken over the course of a year. This moving image work is a synopsis of those journeys using an in-car digital video recorder. The backdrop to my travels has been recorded as a double vision in contrast as I focus on the road ahead, the video recorder has no such obligations. My journeys have been compressed into narratives, vignettes, repetitions, and one off chance occurrences where the public plays various unsuspecting roles. Using photography as a companion piece considering how the environment is changed to make way for corridors of transportation in which non-spaces are created. These necessary dead zones bridge areas of population with connecting pathways, documenting evidence of the changes in the environment to create motorways, causing me to question my own travels, seen as a refuge from our everyday experiences and routines or as an integral part of them.
Samantha McGahon will give a talk on Thursday, 01 June 5 - 6pm.
Eoin McGinn
Tic Tac Toe is a projection piece onto found materials constructed to fashion a canvas that resembles the nature of wall spaces where the Artist normally creates his work. The Artwork seeks to question ownership of urban spaces and the process of redeveloping parts of the city to drive consumerism.
"Emic is an Artist who paints on walls and member of Loft who recently lost their studio space as the property was bought over by developers. The development plan was in the news recently as the project lost governmental support. What was once a vibrant creative space now lays dormant.”
Eoin McGinn will give an outdoor workshop on Saturday,04 June, 2 - 4pm, departing from PS².