17 May, 7.15pm
End the ban
Ends 21 May 2016
The theme for the Week - Challenge Homophobia and Transphobia (CHAT) and we do want you all to chat about this to prevent it from happening.
The theme for the International Day on Tues 17 May is Mental Health and Well Being.
For the programme of LGBT AWAREBESS WEEK 2016 see:
End the Ban
Safety & supply are important issues in respect of blood donation.
A lifetime ban on donating blood by men who have had sex with men ended in England, Scotland and Wales in 2011.
Northern Ireland still retains this ban despite medical evidence.
We import blood from England, Scotland and Wales into N.I. some of this blood is likely to have been donated by people who would be banned from donating if they lived here. This makes no sense.
The lifetime ban is scientifically and socially outdated, deeply and unjustly stigmatising and urgently needs to change.
You can help by asking your MLA to work to end the lifetime ban.
We want a society free from prejudice, with respect given to everyone irrespective of sexual orientation or gender.

Queerspace started in 1998 as a community based project in Belfast set up for and run by lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans people. We are based 4th floor, LGBT centre, Old War Memorial Building, Waring St. LGBT community meetings 1st & 3rd Sat every month 2.30—3.30 pm followed by our Social Space / coffee lounge 3.30 -6 pm
installation view
Installation view