Leonia's Rubbish
Hannah Casey [Hannah Brogan]
Ends 18 August 2007
"Leonia’s rubbish little by little would invade the world, if, from beyond the final crest of its boundless rubbish heap, the street cleaners of other cities were not pressing, also pushing mountains of refuse in front of themselves. Perhaps the whole world, beyond Leonia’s boundaries, is covered by craters of rubbish, each surrounding a metropolis in constant eruption.”
I. Calvino, Invisible Cities.

This work in progress is the second in the series of CONSTRUCTS, focusing on different approaches in creating space. Hannah Casey [Hanna Brogan] uses cardboard and tape as the main material for her constructions, creating a site specific, private space or personal architecture within the project space. A playful approach and artistic DIY strategy to shape one's own environment and a critical opposition to the mostly profit driven regeneration in the city.
CONSTRUCTS 1 Anne Marie Dillon: ‘Once Upon A Now’, 2007
CONSTRUCTS 2 Hannah Casey: ‘Leonia’s rubbish’, 2007
CONSTRUCTS 3 Laura Anne Morgan: CLIMB, 2008