Opening times
See timetable
Performance, screenings, site activities
Curated by C-13
Ends 29 August 2009
Placed beside the Waterfront hall, a container is used by C-13 as an information centre, performance venue, meeting place, cinema, hang about and starting point for other activities; a multifunctional hub and an alternative to the official ISEA 2009 (International
Symposium of Electronic Arts) venues and their programme.
C-13, founded in 2009, is an ensemble of sound artists, musicians, programmers, animators, architects, visual artists, photographers and filmmakers. Their collaborative practice challenges traditional media archetypes and explores the tensions between site, medium, artist and audience.
The project is initiated by PSĀ².
Location view


Call for
Art Works- ended
A unique opportunity to show work within a 6m x 2.5m freight
container to be positioned at the front of Waterfront Hall, Belfast over the
period of 26-29 August 2009.
We are looking to present work of any format:
- Fillm
- Sound Art/Music
- Performance
- Installation
- Net Art
- Painting
- Photography etc
There will be access to electricity and wireless internet and
a data projector and audio system will be available. Additionally, other
equipment may be available upon request.
You will be allocated a slot within the aforementioned four days which shall be
somewhere between1-3hrs in length depending on the particularities of your
Time slots will be programmed in accordance with the ISEA 2009 (International
Symposium of Electronic Arts) calendar. Hence, you
should expect an audience comprising of both an international delegation and a
local public.