Opening hours
Wed-Sun 11am-5pm
Puddles, Fountains, Scissors, Rock
Part of Belfast BabyDay, Replay Theatre
Ends 27 September 2015
Art for babies?
Do you mean teletubby style?
Colourful and simple, Tinky-Winky-Po?
Ok, say it like this: creative experiences for babies.
Seriously, do you live in Laa Laa land?
Laa Laa land, this utopian spot of fun, sunshine and endless pleasure is the reserve of early childhood when it comes to TV programmes, picture books and perhaps some good Sure Start playgroups.
For theatres, concerts or exhibitions, the youngest of the young are rarely part of the audience, let alone the subject. Prams and their potentially screaming contents are more of a threat to the required quietness of performances, or the silence of white gallery spaces.
Not that babies can decide what to do and where to go, it's up to the parents or guardians to make an effort to play with their offspring and expose them to stimulating experiences.

Installation view
Belfast BabyDay, organised by Replay Theatre, aims to make this easier. Their extensive programme reaches out to the super young and- interlinked- their parents and guardians. The website states the aim of BabyDay:
‘… to celebrate the power of creativity and the unique connection that it makes: connection between parent and baby, connection between communities, and how vital these connections are for a happy future for all of us.’
Of course, PS² wants to be part of this pioneering project, constructing something which is as simple as a drifting cloud, that sounds like the wind, glimmers and shimmers like stars, feels like, looks like, smells like...
We made a fountain.
Puddles, Fountains, Scissors, Rock is made out of objects found in our store rooms and studio, everyday materials: buckets, paint pots, bottles, saucepans, carpets and paddling pools (nicked from the kids).
Altogether, they make a splattering, splashing, dripping, dropping, pingy-pangy flopping working object- a yellow tinted experience and a wet one if you touch it.
Art for babies?
Art for all, we say, including babies, their prams, messiness and curiosity.
Within the ongoing series of community as artist, this project is addressed to the community of super young youngsters and their parents, guardians. Babies as audience is quit unusual and Belfast BabyDay, organised by Replay Theater, is a pioneering festival in breaking the age barrier for the zero to one year olds if it comes to all sorts of art and creativity.

Work in progress
On Sunday 27 September 2015, Replay Theatre Company brings the world’s first BabyDay to Belfast!
With over 70 events in more than 20 venues across the city, there’ll be a real festival feel and Belfast will be one great big bundle of joy!