Opening hours
Saturday, 31January, 11am-3pm
From 04 February- Wed-Fri 1-5pm, Sat 11am-3pm + Late Night Art with a live performance
Simulations, Interfaces and Performativity
Laura O'Connor
Ends 07 February 2015
As part of her practice based PhD research, Laura O’Connor will be working through new developments within her research, using the time spent in PS² as an experimental process in her practice.
Her work focuses on the representation of femininity on social media. She explores trends on image sharing websites such as Instagram and Pinterest or DIY fitness and makeover videos posted on YouTube by young women. Through this research Laura uses performative strategies such as parody and repetition to create surreal video works.
During her time in PS² Laura transformed the gallery into a greenscreen studio, filling the space with gym equipment and beauty products. The result of this transformation is a number of video works which have/will be streamed live on YouTube. Visitors are encouraged to interact with her online alter ego SweetHeart via their mobile devices.
For late night art, Laura will perform as SweetHeart in PS², the performance will be streamed live and will be viewable through the windows of the gallery.
Thursday, 22.01.2015: day 4
Wednesday, 28.01.2015: Workout
Laura O'Connor's research is focused on the representation of women on screen, specifically exploring self-produced female subjectivity on social media and the work of feminist artists who respond to this through methods of subversive gender performance.The short work phase in PS² was intended to play and act with different forms of voyeuristic and self-imaging technologies and to develop a new performance of Laura’s online alter ego.