LYL drop-in centre (former laundrette), 52a Glandore Avenue
Sessions children 6-11years: 11am- 1pm
Sessions adults: 2- 4.30pm
Summer art school
Art activities for children and adults. LYL- drop-in centre, Skegoneill/Glandore roundabout
Lead artists: Duncan Ross, assisted by Joanne Smyth and members of TDS [adult sessions]. Partnerships: PS² together with New Lodge Arts, Skegoneill-Glandore Common Purpose, Tuesday Drawing Studio (TDS), PeasPark, LYL.
Ends 30 July 2016
The summer art school is a week long, open and free art- and- community project for children and adults. With two sessions every day, one with primary school aged children in the morning, one with adults in the afternoon, it is a school for drawing and painting and all things of art. You don't need to be good at all this, but you should be curious and open to express your ideas and what you see around you. At the end of the week we will show and celebrate the outcomes in a community event.
Dates: Monday 25 - Friday 29 July
Location: LYL drop-in centre (former laundrette), 52a Glandore Avenue
Sessions children 6-11years: 11am- 1pm
Sessions adults: 2- 4.30pm
Saturday, 30 July: exhibition/ public event in LYL- drop-in centre and PeasPark.
Places are limited. If your child/ children are interested, please download, fill in and sign a Parental Consent Form and bring to the first session. Participant Parental Consent Form- for under 18 years of age.

The summer art school is a free, creative and- as its name indicates- an artistic project which needs the active contribution, curiosity and joy of the participants. Basic art and craft material will be available.The participants are encouraged to explore the materials, so please wear suitable/ old clothes. As much as possible, work should be done outside, on tables/floor in front of the LYL drop-in centre or at nearby PeasPark.
Summer art school
Lead artists: Duncan Ross, assisted by Joanne Smyth and members of TDS [adult sessions]. Partnerships: PS² together with New Lodge Arts, Skegoneill-Glandore Common Purpose, Tuesday Drawing Studio (TDS), PeasPark, LYL