Opening times

Mon-Sat 11am-4pm


Work on paper

Jill McKeown

Ends 20 August 2004

The only details we still have of this project is from a handout in our archive.
In this early adolescent phase of project space, the text clearly tries to imitate the slightly official language of nice, sober galleries, a role we quickly left behind.

'The artists of Paragon Studios welcome you and are pleased to present new work under the title of 'Transient'.
The social-political climate, personal landscapes and the transitory nature of our lives are explored through painting, photography, print and drawing.  
Paragon Artists' Studios was set up in 1993, to provide permanent studio spaces for professional artists. From this platform individual artists participate in a wide range of activities and events, including exhibitions,both nationally and internationally, commissions, workshops, talks and educational events and projects which contribute to and enhance the cultural life of the city and further afield.